Created between 2007 and 2018, the Hartgrove series draws inspiration from McKeever’s domestic surroundings in rural Dorset. These intimate, high-contrast black-and-white photographs focus on the interior of his home, capturing fleeting moments and the play of light and shadow. The motifs are often simple: light through a window, a pile of crockery, a staircase railing evoking moods and sensations, creating a contemplative atmosphere which resonating with the themes of transience and presence.
The relationship between the large-scale paintings and the intimate photographs is integral to McKeever's practice, creating a dialogue between the exterior and interior, between the vast landscape and the quiet moments of daily life. The photographs' quiet, intimate nature contrasts with the expansive, sometimes overwhelming scale of the paintings. Yet, both forms share a fascination with light and its ability to transform space and perception.