Mother Vera

Mother Vera follows the poignant story of a nun named Vera, who, haunted by a troubled past, has spent two decades in a remote Belarusian monastery. Reflecting on her unexpected journey to nunhood, which was shaped by a history of addiction, Vera embarks on a path of redemption. Guided by her love of horses, she begins to explore a newfuture in a new place, seeking both healing and a fresh start. Vera’s story offers an intimate exploration of faith, recovery, and personal transformation within the confines of the monastery. It also speaks to the universal human experience of longing to find one’s place in the world. The film is co-directed by documentary filmmaker Cécile Embleton and fine art photographer Alys Tomlinson. The directors first met Vera in 2017 while working on Tomlinson’s photographic project Ex-Voto, a five-year exploration of Christian pilgrimage sites. Captivated by Vera’s striking presence, they were invited to visit her in Belarus, where they began their journey to document her extraordinary life in this deeply moving feature film